Guesses: 0
Next Round will reset the map and clear all guesses
Clears the map and resets guesses AND resets accumulated points
Closest Players
Submitting a Guess
Send a message in chat that contains the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE of the location you want to chose. The values for LATITUDE and LONGITUDE must be in that order and separated by a comma. LATITUDE must be between -90.0 and 90.0. LONGITUDE must be between -180.0 and 180.0.
Where to Find These Values
Map services such as Google Maps and Bing Maps use Latitude and Longitude and make it easy to get these values.
For Google Maps (desktop): Right click where you want your guess to be and click on the numbers at the top of the menu to copy them to your clipboard. These can be pasted straight into chat. Alternatively the URL itself (if links are allowed) or the numbers that follow the '@' can be pasted in.
For Bing Maps (desktop): Right click where you want your guess to be and click on the numbers at the bottom of the menu and press CTRL + C to copy them. These can be pasted into chat.
The Google Maps app is very quick to replace these values with the name of the road. The website on mobile is a better way of getting these values.
Examples of Acceptable Inputs
The message processing ignores most non-numeric characters as well as all whitespace so your format will probably be fine.
- 48.85742314451488, 2.3476072515552726
- @48.8553502,2.3503079,16.42z
- latitude 48.857, and the other one 2.34760726
Entering the Answer
The answer should be entered into the designated box on the left and the rules and information above applies.
The recommended method however would be to click on the flag after the round is over and paste the google maps link it takes you to into the box.
Each time you click, points will be awarded. ONLY CLICK ONCE PER ROUND.